Tuesday, 27 September 2016

CCE - SchoolERP

The CCE or Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation scheme refers to a school-based evaluation of students that covers all the aspects of a student’s development. 

  • To help develop effective skills
  • To lay emphasis on thought process and de-emphasis memorization
  • To make evaluation an integral part of teaching learning process
  • To use evaluation for improvement of students’ achievement and teaching – learning strategies 
  • To use evaluation as a quality control device to maintain desired standard of performance.
  • To make the process of teaching and learning a learner-centered activity

  • CCE helps in reducing stress of students by –
  • Identifying learning progress of students at regular time intervals 
  • Employing a variety of remedial measures of teaching based on learning needs and potential of different students
  • Encouraging learning through employment of a variety of teaching aids and techniques
  • Involving learners actively in the learning process
  • Recognizing and encouraging specific abilities of students

Scheme of CCE is expected to help the child make informed choice of subjects in class XI based on his aptitude, interests, liking, and academic performance. With CCE aiming at all round development of the child’s personality it is expected that a student will be able to take up competitive examinations in right earnest.

info@triz.co.in | +91 9824154142 | +91 9909930723
Block 1-2 Annapurna Shopping Centre, Adajan Patia circle, Surat – 395009

Friday, 23 September 2016

CCE Software for Classes IX & X | CCE SOFTWARE

CCE means continuous and comprehensive evaluation, which was introduced for the first time in the secondary level in all CBSE affiliated schools.

CCE software covered Continuous process throughout the year, Improvement of co-scholastic areas and Teachers have to be trained professionally. TRIZ CCE System enables teachers to track and analyze student’s performance and conduct real-time scholastic and co-scholastic assessments with the Advanced Grading System, In the TRIZ CCE grading module, performance of the students can be fed in conventional numerical marking and the same will be converted to Grades automatically.

School Cube consist Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment, Activities, Life Skills, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Student Attitude Mapping, Health & Physical Education and Reports.

Triz Innovation Pvt. Ltd.
info@triz.co.in | +91 9824154142 | +91 9909930723
Block 1-2 Annapurna Shopping Centre, Adajan Patia circle, Surat – 395009

Monday, 12 September 2016

Boost Digital India with CCE - School Management System

Boost Digital India with CCE - School Management System

Any educational enterprise want expert solution that manage students, faculty and management staff. It improves organization performance in all sectors like admission, fees, result, homework, timetable, circulars and many more important tasks.

Continuous& Comprehensive Evaluation helps in improving student’s performance by identifying student learning difficulties at regular time intervals right from the beginning of the academic session and employing suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance. The scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation has inbuilt flexibility for schools to plan their own academic schedules as per specified guidelines on CCE. TRIZ CCE System enables teachers to track and analyze student’s performance and conduct real-time scholastic and co-scholastic assessments with the Advanced Grading System.

  • ·         Formative Assessment
  • ·         Summative Assessment
  • ·         Activities
  • ·         Life Skills
  • ·         Visual Arts
  • ·         Performing Arts
  • ·         Student Attitude Mapping
  • ·         Health & Physical Education
  • ·         Reports

Mr. Harshit Bhatt
harshit.bhatt@triz.co.in | +91 9824154142

Block 1-2 Annapurna Shopping Centre, Adajan Patia circle, Surat – 395009

For More Information:

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)

CCE helps in improving student’s performance by identifying student learning difficulties at regular time intervals right from the beginning of the academic session and employing suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance.

The scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation has inbuilt flexibility for schools to plan their own academic schedules as per specified guidelines on CCE.

TRIZ CCE System enables teachers to track and analyze student’s performance and conduct real-time scholastic and co-scholastic assessments with the Advanced Grading System.

Objective of CCE:

- Provide better tools for diagnosis

- Reduce stress and anxiety

- Inbuilt flexibility for academic schedules plan

Software Design:


CBSE School with Our School Management System:


Mr. Harshit Bhatt

(Email) harshit.bhatt@triz.co.in
(M) +91 9824154142


Block 1-2 Annapurna Shopping Centre, Adajan Patia circle, Surat – 395009

For More Information:
